James Le Cuirot
:limit for primary key columnswas updated by James Le CuirotSaturday Nov 22
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Join tables referenced by :group when eager loading was updated by James Le Cuirot
Friday Nov 21
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Join tables referenced by :group when... was created by James Le Cuirot 04:19 PM ticket
Allow arbitrary named_scope instances to be merged was updated by James Le Cuirot
Wednesday Nov 05
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Allow arbitrary named_scope instances... was created by James Le Cuirot 10:23 AM ticket
Multiparameter attributes should be s... was created by James Le Cuirot
Thursday Sep 04
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Allow timestamp columns to be NOT NULLwas updated by James Le CuirotThursday Aug 28
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Allow timestamp columns to be NOT NULL was created by James Le Cuirot
Wednesday Aug 27
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:limit for primary key columns was updated by James Le Cuirot
Thursday Aug 21
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:limit for primary key columns was updated by James Le Cuirot 04:47 PM ticket