Jon Leighton
Problem with has_many :through and alternate keys was updated by Jon Leighton
Wednesday Dec 15
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Problem with has_many :through and alternate keys was updated by Jon Leighton 11:33 PM ticket
:through Associations don't respect default_scope was updated by Jon Leighton
Sunday Dec 12
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has_one :through produces invalid SQL was updated by Jon Leighton 01:56 PM ticket
Eager load of has_one :through with conditions on the :through table fails was updated by Jon Leighton 01:46 PM ticket
Has many through association with :order causes a SQL error with PostgreSQL was updated by Jon Leighton 01:29 PM ticket
Strange has_many :through issue with adding objects to a collection was updated by Jon Leighton 11:38 AM ticket
has_many through belongs_to association bug was updated by Jon Leighton 11:26 AM ticket
Fix in cascaed_eager_loading_test.rb ... was created by Jon Leighton
Wednesday Nov 17
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Support for nested :through associations was updated by Jon Leighton
Sunday Oct 31