Michael Koziarski
Association Preload should quote table names was updated by Michael Koziarski
Friday Apr 25
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rake rails:freeze:edge on windows was updated by Michael Koziarski
Wednesday Apr 23
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nil default options for file_store was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:25 AM ticket
validates_uniqueness_of doesn't escape attributes was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:23 AM ticket
attr_readonly not set when counter_cache set to true was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:15 AM ticket
Add unique index test fails on sqlite2was updated by Michael Koziarski 03:25 AM ticket -
Use schema.rb for AR's unit test for all databases was updated by Michael Koziarski
Monday Apr 21
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ActiveResource::Connection should rescue from Timeout::Errorwas updated by Michael Koziarski 10:34 PM ticket -
Introduce ActiveResource::Base.timeout to allow Net::HTTP#read_timeout to be setwas updated by Michael Koziarski 10:34 PM ticket -
Add unique index test fails on sqlite2 was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:36 AM ticket