Tarmo Tänav
Make migrations use transaction and rollback if something was wrong was updated by Tarmo Tänav
Friday Aug 22
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Make migrations use transaction and rollback if something was wrong was updated by Tarmo Tänav 10:03 PM ticket
rake test wipes out the entire development dbwas updated by Tarmo Tänav 09:24 PM ticket -
postgresql - all returned .find_by_sql attributes are string was updated by Tarmo Tänav 09:18 PM ticket
postgresql 8.3 doesn't like single quoted role names in the OWNER clause was updated by Tarmo Tänav 07:59 AM ticket
Tarmo Tänav was invited to the Ruby on Rails Project.
Thursday Aug 21
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fix count_records was updated by Tarmo Tänav
Wednesday Aug 20
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Serialized timestamps returns strings on load was updated by Tarmo Tänav
Wednesday Aug 13
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NamedScope#any?was updated by Tarmo TänavThursday Aug 07
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NamedScope#any? was updated by Tarmo Tänav
Wednesday Jul 23