Ryan Bigg
ActiveRecord Does Not Return String on PostgreSQL Arrays was updated by Ryan Bigg
Saturday Apr 10
ticket -
AR validates_uniqueness_of floats and find_by_FLOAT_FIELD was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:42 AM ticket
Error with date_select when a default_locale is set was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:38 AM ticket
Error with date_select when a default_locale is set was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:33 AM ticket
ActiveResource time changed was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:27 AM ticket
Serialized fields + sqlite :binary columns = exception was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:25 AM ticket
scoped models serialize into invalid xml was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:23 AM ticket
count works differently than find with polymorphic include was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:20 AM ticket
Unable to handle Urls for not-pluralizeable Resources was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:56 AM ticket
render :xml and render :nothing with layouts was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:55 AM ticket