Ryan Bigg
Add "a"/"an" inflector - indefinitize() was updated by Ryan Bigg
Sunday Apr 26
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DRYing up respond_to: Allow multiple types in same responder was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:22 PM ticket
Rails 2.3 JSON "put" request routing is broken was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:21 PM ticket
Time columns are not zone aware was updated by Ryan Bigg
Tuesday Apr 21
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WhiteListSanitizer allows dt and dd but not dl was updated by Ryan Bigg 12:25 AM ticket
Namespaced models with Counter Cache was updated by Ryan Bigg
Sunday Sep 28
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Namespaced models with Counter Cache was created by Ryan Bigg 12:17 PM ticket
reverted changes should not be marked as changed was updated by Ryan Bigg
Thursday Aug 21
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Couldn't find Class with ID=#num was created by Ryan Bigg
Monday Aug 18
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validates_length_of, :is does not work for numbers was updated by Ryan Bigg
Saturday Aug 16