![Rodrigo Kochenburger Rodrigo Kochenburger](https://entp-lh-avatar-production.s3.amazonaws.com/avatars/1543/large.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ4QBZRZBVMOUBNZA&Expires=2052701502&Signature=%2FRYj8fDFD3a1tLxp6KIMCqdy65I%3D)
Rodrigo Kochenburger
column_definitions method being called before and after every single SQL statement on PostgreSQL was updated by Rodrigo Kochenburger
Thursday Sep 09
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column_definitions method being called before and after every single SQL statement on PostgreSQL was updated by Rodrigo Kochenburger 06:18 PM ticket
Rails 2.3.2 breaks implicit multipart actionmailer tests was updated by Rodrigo Kochenburger
Monday Mar 22
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Rails 2.3.2 breaks implicit multipart actionmailer tests was updated by Rodrigo Kochenburger
Saturday Mar 20
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Rails 2.3.2 breaks implicit multipart actionmailer tests was updated by Rodrigo Kochenburger 06:17 PM ticket
Session Improvements was created by Rodrigo Kochenburger
Tuesday Oct 06
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Small named_scope_test.rb fix was created by Rodrigo Kochenburger
Wednesday May 14
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Namespaced models and STI was updated by Rodrigo Kochenburger 01:18 AM ticket
Namespaced models and STI was created by Rodrigo Kochenburger
Monday May 05