Geoff Buesing
actionmailer 2.3.9 should now require 'uri' was updated by Geoff Buesing
Thursday Oct 07
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actionmailer 2.3.9 should now require 'uri' was updated by Geoff Buesing
Wednesday Oct 06
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Missing require in action_controller/... was created by Geoff Buesing
Tuesday Oct 05
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ActiveModel has undeclared dependency on tzinfo was updated by Geoff Buesing
Friday Jul 02
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ActiveSupport Time Calculators (beginning_of_year etc.) do not change the timezone when crossing DST boundarieswas updated by Geoff BuesingTuesday Mar 09
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ActiveRecord not setting/checking MySQL session variable time_zone was updated by Geoff Buesing
Thursday Jan 28
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ActiveSupport::Duration#* should return a Duration, not an Integerwas updated by Geoff Buesing 03:15 AM ticket -
datetime_select to accept :ampm option was updated by Geoff Buesing 02:35 AM ticket
time_zone.rb: which Georgetown?was updated by Geoff Buesing 02:31 AM ticket -
Glitch in DateHelper with timezones (#time_ago_in_words causing "undefined method 'abs'")was updated by Geoff Buesing 02:31 AM ticket