Aditya Sanghi
rails install fails to produce rdocumentationwas updated by Aditya SanghiTuesday Oct 12
ticket -
rails install fails to produce rdocumentationwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 12:29 PM ticket -
HasOneThroughAssociation should not be a child of HasManyThroughAssociationwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:17 AM ticket -
ActiveRecord::Relation#merge merges other table's conditions having same attribute name was updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:16 AM ticket
BlueCloth, markdown(), config.gem, unpack gem and Rails 2.1 not working properly?was updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:16 AM ticket -
Optimize named_scope first and last to use LIMIT rather than loading the full collectionwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:16 AM ticket -
Add a config.i18n.fallback setting and enable fallbacks in environment/production.rbwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:16 AM ticket -
raise_on_type_mismatch : expected User, got Userwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:15 AM ticket -
RC1 to RC2 regression : multilines where conditions autojoin with "AND"was updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:15 AM ticket -
HABTM, :finder_sql and preload of associations bugwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:15 AM ticket