Aditya Sanghi
Two errors in Rails::Generators::Actions initializer method comments was updated by Aditya Sanghi
Friday Oct 08
ticket -
time_select not interpreting the multi-parameter correctly was updated by Aditya Sanghi 08:58 PM ticket
Remove fixtures from tests when --skip-activerecord is used was updated by Aditya Sanghi 08:57 PM ticket
time_select not interpreting the multi-parameter correctly was updated by Aditya Sanghi 08:51 PM ticket
Remove fixtures from tests when --skip-activerecord is used was updated by Aditya Sanghi 08:01 PM ticket
time_select not interpreting the multi-parameter correctly was updated by Aditya Sanghi 03:39 PM ticket
Rake test executes the test suite three times if the environment variable TEST is set was updated by Aditya Sanghi 01:49 PM ticket
Rails 3.0.0 creates directories in --pretend mode [ minor bug ] was updated by Aditya Sanghi 01:02 PM ticket
Remove fixtures from tests when --skip-activerecord is used was updated by Aditya Sanghi 11:01 AM ticket
Remove needless call to initializers was updated by Aditya Sanghi 07:07 AM ticket