Aditya Sanghi
attr_accesor_with_default alias reader method was updated by Aditya Sanghi
Monday Dec 20
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attr_accesor_with_default alias reader method was updated by Aditya Sanghi 09:24 PM ticket
attr_accesor_with_default alias reader method was updated by Aditya Sanghi 07:14 PM ticket
define_attribute_methods interface differs between ActiveModel and ActiveRecordwas updated by Aditya SanghiThursday Dec 09
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define_attribute_methods interface di... was created by Aditya Sanghi 12:37 PM ticket
human_attribute_name scopes translations differently for nested classes since rails 3.0.2 was updated by Aditya Sanghi
Thursday Dec 02
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attr_accesor_with_default alias reader method was updated by Aditya Sanghi 08:31 AM ticket
Rails 2.3 AR JSON validation errors incorrect formatwas updated by Aditya SanghiWednesday Dec 01
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[PATCH] Uncountable singularize uses regex match while pluralize uses exact match leading leading to unexpected collisions was updated by Aditya Sanghi 08:55 AM ticket
to_xml datetime format regression was updated by Aditya Sanghi 07:56 AM ticket