Aditya Sanghi
I18n support for HTML5 placeholder attribute was updated by Aditya Sanghi
Monday Nov 29
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Rails generate skip and force options not working was updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:23 AM ticket
distance_of_time_in_words calculates wrong no of years was updated by Aditya Sanghi
Saturday Nov 27
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distance_of_time_in_words calculates wrong no of years was updated by Aditya Sanghi 06:47 PM ticket
Support multiple errors per attribute in ActiveModel Errors JSON serialization was updated by Aditya Sanghi 06:42 PM ticket
ActiveRecord and to_xml function errorwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:18 AM ticket -
ActiveRecord and to_xml function errorwas updated by Aditya Sanghi 10:18 AM ticket -
Type error in ActiveSupport::Cache::Store documentation. Section fetch.was updated by Aditya Sanghi 09:51 AM ticket -
'Address' does not singularize properlywas updated by Aditya Sanghi 09:27 AM ticket -
'Address' does not singularize properlywas updated by Aditya Sanghi 09:25 AM ticket