José Valim
Incorrect inflectors for 'business' or '*ness' was updated by José Valim
Wednesday May 13
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I18n, look up a translation with the default locale when it's missed with another specific locale was updated by José Valim 08:03 PM ticket
time_zone_select documentation is out... was created by José Valim
Saturday Apr 18
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add :new_if_blank option to fields_for for nested associations was updated by José Valim
Sunday Apr 12
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autosaving associations skips validations and persists invalid data in the DB was updated by José Valim
Saturday Apr 11
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add :new_if_blank option to fields_for for nested associations was updated by José Valim 07:21 PM ticket
Allow strings to be sent as collection to select was updated by José Valim
Tuesday Apr 07
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Object names with underscore do the wrong lookup in I18n on error_messages_for was updated by José Valim
Thursday Apr 02
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fields_for nested fubars index was updated by José Valim 10:31 PM ticket
to_radio_button_tag ignores :index options partially was updated by José Valim 10:26 PM ticket