Add an API for plugins to register routes was updated by Rick
Wednesday Jun 04
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Belongs to polymorphic association assignment with new records doesn't update foreign id or typewas updated by RickSaturday May 31
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Belongs to polymorphic association assignment with new records doesn't update foreign id or type was updated by Rick
Tuesday May 20
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Belongs to polymorphic association assignment with new records doesn't update foreign id or type was updated by Rick 06:39 PM ticket
PQserverVersion not supported by this client versionwas updated by RickFriday May 16
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Added :environment options to config.gem was updated by Rick 06:48 PM ticket
Small named_scope_test.rb fix was updated by Rick 01:54 AM ticket
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch with same class name -- added helpful exception message was updated by Rick
Thursday May 15
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Serialized timestamps returns strings on load was updated by Rick
Wednesday May 14
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Namespaced models and STI was updated by Rick 03:12 AM ticket