Belongs to polymorphic association assignment with new_records doesn't update was updated by Rick
Wednesday May 14
ticket -
AR Test failure on latest mysql was created by Rick 02:33 AM ticket
Small named_scope_test.rb fix was updated by Rick 02:32 AM ticket
Namespaced models and STI was updated by Rick
Tuesday May 13
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Namespaced models and STI was updated by Rick 09:55 PM ticket
Namespaced models and STI was updated by Rick 09:51 PM ticket
Altered Rails Route Globbing breaks when non-strings passed was updated by Rick 09:13 PM ticket
SECURITY BUG - Request Forgery protection checks for 'Accept' header instead of 'Content-Type' headerwas updated by Rick 05:55 PM ticket -
TimeWithZone#to_json should include time zonewas updated by Rick 05:53 PM ticket -
TimeWithZone#to_json should include time zone was updated by Rick 05:52 PM ticket