Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu)
config.gem compatibility with vendor/gem git submodule workflowwas updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu)Thursday Jan 21
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Exception: A copy of ActorsController has been removed from the module tree but is still active! was updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 06:06 AM ticket
Rack middleware is exploding in Rails 3was updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 06:03 AM ticket -
[PATCH] Move filter_parameter_logging... was created by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 04:50 AM ticket
--database option brokenwas updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu)Wednesday Jan 20
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--database option brokenwas updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 06:44 PM ticket -
form_for doesn't work witwas updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 06:16 PM ticket -
[PATCH] include paths for gem bundler in generated gitignore was updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 06:13 PM ticket
Rack in Rails 2.3.2 throws fatal error with small uploadswas updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 06:01 PM ticket -
Sqlite3, AR and Quoting issuewas updated by Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 05:58 PM ticket