[PATCH] plural names generate a constant error was updated by Kane
Wednesday Aug 26
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[PATCH] plural names generate a constant error was updated by Kane 01:48 AM ticket
proc support for validates_numericality_of was updated by Kane
Tuesday Aug 25
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fixed counter_sql from finder_sql to work with subselects was updated by Kane
Monday Aug 24
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rake gems:install doesnt handle >= correctly was updated by Kane
Monday Aug 17
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Advanced / foxy fixture features doesn't work well with models in modules was updated by Kane
Sunday Aug 16
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add_proc_support_to_validates_numericality.diff was uploaded by Kane 06:39 PM file
Advanced / foxy fixture features doesn't work well with models in modules was updated by Kane 03:13 AM ticket
Scaffold generator not working well with namespaced resources was updated by Kane
Saturday Aug 15