Neeraj Singh
Inconvenient Time stamp format in logger was updated by Neeraj Singh
Friday Nov 26
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after_save callbacks are called before dirty tracking is updated was updated by Neeraj Singh 09:52 AM ticket
Exceptions from after_commit and after_rollback from observers are quietly swallowed was updated by Neeraj Singh 01:50 AM ticket
Type error in ActiveSupport::Cache::Store documentation. Section fetch. was updated by Neeraj Singh
Thursday Nov 25
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ActiveRecord::Observer is not aware of method added by including modules was updated by Neeraj Singh 10:25 PM ticket
Reloading in the console stops observer callbacks was updated by Neeraj Singh 10:23 PM ticket
Remote forms with multiple submit controls don't report which submit was used, under Unobtrusive JavaScript was updated by Neeraj Singh 05:58 PM ticket
Content negotiation fails for some */* headers (regression)was updated by Neeraj Singh 05:52 PM ticket -
ActiveRecord and to_xml function error was updated by Neeraj Singh
Wednesday Nov 24
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render_other_test fails when wrapped in respond_to was updated by Neeraj Singh 08:45 PM ticket