Santiago Pastorino
3.0.5 was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Sunday Feb 27
milestone -
Bulk Edit command
44 tickets affected:milestone:3.0.5 state:open
. 03:15 AM bulk edit -
3.0.6 was created by Santiago Pastorino 03:12 AM milestone
db:test:clone_structure fails for Postgres & SQLite when your rails app has a space in the directory name was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Thursday Feb 24
ticket -
Invalid url's in activerecore RDOc was updated by Santiago Pastorino 02:24 PM ticket
Deprecate 'escape' parameter/option in three helper functions was updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:23 AM ticket
Update year to 2011 in license fileswas updated by Santiago PastorinoTuesday Feb 22
ticket -
uninitialized constant Gem::VERSION (NameError) on new installwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 12:55 PM ticket -
Added Range#cover? was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Sunday Feb 20
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i18n key collision with namespaced models was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Friday Feb 18