Improved handling for MIME types was updated by josh
Wednesday Aug 19
ticket -
Date.advance modifies option hash was updated by josh 03:44 PM ticket
Rack::Test was created by josh 03:43 PM ticket
url_for ignores routing prioritywas updated by joshMonday Aug 10
ticket -
Switch active_model to use I18n.translate method instead was updated by josh 02:36 AM ticket
Added previous_changes to ActiveRecord::Dirty was updated by josh 02:33 AM ticket
Added previous_changes to ActiveRecord::Dirty was updated by josh 02:31 AM ticket
Add :margin option to XmlSerializerwas updated by josh 02:29 AM ticket -
Routing: 2.3 provides no way to require a :formatwas updated by josh 02:26 AM ticket -
url_for ignores routing prioritywas updated by josh 02:17 AM ticket