Don't load ActiveRecord::SessionStore during intialization if it's not used by the app was updated by josh
Friday May 29
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git HEAD regression: No route matches "products" with {:method=>:get} was updated by josh
Thursday May 28
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[PATCH] 2.3.2 need a way to check if a session exists without creating one was updated by josh 03:11 PM ticket
[PATCH] Memoize cookies so they can be retrieved in the same response / request cycle was updated by josh 03:10 PM ticket
Ensure database middleware doesn't use ActionContoller::Base.session_store if the framework is disabled was updated by josh
Monday May 25
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Strategy::LocalCache makes memcache (or others) stored object immutable was updated by josh 05:31 PM ticket
Routing: double escape url segments was updated by josh 05:29 PM ticket
flash.use should return values which it marked as (un)used was updated by josh 05:28 PM ticket
server command help message issue was updated by josh 05:28 PM ticket
Default ShowExceptions error message is not friendly enough was updated by josh 05:26 PM ticket