mattr_accessor :config for module rai... was created by bterkuile
Thursday Apr 28
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Calling a relation in after_initializ... was created by bterkuile
Wednesday Apr 20
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Fixnum round ambiguous was updated by bterkuile
Thursday Dec 23
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Fixnum round ambiguous was created by bterkuile 09:03 AM ticket
unscoped on a relation removes where clause for relation from scope was updated by bterkuile
Friday Nov 05
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unscoped on a relation removes where clause for relation from scope was updated by bterkuile
Wednesday Nov 03
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Merge default scopes by defaultwas updated by bterkuileTuesday Nov 02
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Merge default scopes by defaultwas updated by bterkuile 09:23 AM ticket -
Irregular inflection of singular form ending with an s is not fool proof was updated by bterkuile
Wednesday Aug 04
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Irregular inflection of singular form... was created by bterkuile 09:34 AM ticket