Rizwan Reza
Support for :joins in ActiveRecord::Base#update_all was updated by Rizwan Reza
Sunday Aug 09
ticket -
a generated plugin's tests are not run by 'rake test' was updated by Rizwan Reza 05:58 PM ticket
dbconsole support password passing through /dev/fd/ was updated by Rizwan Reza 05:53 PM ticket
Can't set Mysql timeouts was updated by Rizwan Reza 05:04 PM ticket
ActiveResource#exists? does not work at all was updated by Rizwan Reza 04:53 PM ticket
undefined method `quoted_table_name' with model called "schema" was updated by Rizwan Reza 04:43 PM ticket
Add options passing to textilze helper was updated by Rizwan Reza 04:33 PM ticket
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR ignored if REMOTE_ADDR is "trusted" was updated by Rizwan Reza 04:30 PM ticket
helper caching issue was updated by Rizwan Reza 04:23 PM ticket
[PATCH] 410 Gone as ResourceGone for ActiveResource was updated by Rizwan Reza 04:19 PM ticket