Rizwan Reza
association_collection#create acts as association_collection#create! was updated by Rizwan Reza
Saturday Aug 08
ticket -
Allow to register javascript/stylesheet_expansions to existing symbols was updated by Rizwan Reza 11:31 PM ticket
app template: allow plugins to specify branch or revision was updated by Rizwan Reza 11:26 PM ticket
Patch to fix broken HTTP Digest Authentication was updated by Rizwan Reza 11:18 PM ticket
Patch to fix broken HTTP Digest Authentication was updated by Rizwan Reza 11:05 PM ticket
ActiveSupport::JSON.decode dies on double escaped string was updated by Rizwan Reza 10:51 PM ticket
[PATCH] Add methods on active record to denote whether any associated objects exist for that associationwas updated by Rizwan Reza 10:51 PM ticket -
tag_options should properly handle arrays was updated by Rizwan Reza 10:46 PM ticket
truncate with HTML ellipsis character entity was updated by Rizwan Reza 10:35 PM ticket
Titleize doesn't take all-uppercase words into account was updated by Rizwan Reza 10:21 PM ticket