Rizwan Reza
When specifying url, form should be generated with it, but not this.href was updated by Rizwan Reza
Saturday Aug 08
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Rails 2.1.0 ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper#truncate was updated by Rizwan Reza 01:18 PM ticket
id for radio_button behavior was updated by Rizwan Reza 12:59 PM ticket
id for radio_button behavior was updated by Rizwan Reza 12:59 PM ticket
Possible rendering bug on label_tag vs. radio_button_tag was updated by Rizwan Reza
Friday Aug 07
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Possible rendering bug on label_tag vs. radio_button_tag was updated by Rizwan Reza 09:29 PM ticket
json_escape eats away double quotes was updated by Rizwan Reza 09:18 PM ticket
number_to_precision rounding error was updated by Rizwan Reza 08:57 PM ticket
BUG: Query Cache does not handle multiple calls to find_or_create_by_* was updated by Rizwan Reza 08:42 PM ticket
2.3.2 text_area_tag calling stringify_keys two times was updated by Rizwan Reza 08:13 PM ticket