Eloy Duran
has_one with :foreign_key & :primary_key bug was updated by Eloy Duran
Tuesday Mar 17
ticket -
autosaving associations skips validations and persists invalid data in the DB was updated by Eloy Duran 12:06 AM ticket
AssociationCollection#destroy should only delete join table records was updated by Eloy Duran
Monday Mar 16
ticket -
autosaving associations skips validations and persists invalid data in the DB was updated by Eloy Duran 01:08 PM ticket
autosaving associations skips validations and persists invalid data in the DBwas updated by Eloy Duran 10:16 AM ticket -
autosaving associations skips validations and persists invalid data in the DBwas updated by Eloy Duran 10:15 AM ticket -
AutosaveAssociation doesn't run removing association callbackswas updated by Eloy Duran 09:55 AM ticket -
Calling delete on a has_many :through association does not call destroy on the association objectwas updated by Eloy Duran 09:54 AM ticket -
AR#find_or_create doesn't add the created model to collection was updated by Eloy Duran 09:33 AM ticket
autosaving associations skips validations and persists invalid data in the DB was updated by Eloy Duran 09:12 AM ticket