ActionMailer is html escaping ampersand (&) in Urls in plain text messages was updated by Fjan
Wednesday Nov 03
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ActionMailer is html escaping ampersand (&) in Urls in plain text messages was updated by Fjan 07:08 PM ticket
truncate with HTML ellipsis character entity was updated by Fjan 06:53 PM ticket
Actionmailer does not set charset on attachments was updated by Fjan
Monday Sep 13
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string added to rails_helpers gets HTML escaped was updated by Fjan
Tuesday May 25
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string added to rails_helpers gets HTML escaped was updated by Fjan 10:27 PM ticket
string added to rails_helpers gets HT... was created by Fjan 08:46 PM ticket
improve textarea helper to avoid newline quirk was updated by Fjan
Monday May 10
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improve textarea helper to avoid newline quirk was updated by Fjan
Wednesday Apr 21
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improve textarea helper to avoid newl... was created by Fjan
Tuesday Feb 16