Simon Jefford
Configurable tld_length for subdomains was updated by Simon Jefford
Saturday Sep 11
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Configurable tld_length for subdomains was updated by Simon Jefford
Thursday Aug 12
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Configurable tld_length for subdomains was updated by Simon Jefford
Wednesday Jul 28
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Configurable tld_length for subdomains was updated by Simon Jefford
Tuesday Jul 27
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Configurable tld_length for subdomains was created by Simon Jefford 03:43 PM ticket
Rack-mount missing from Gemfile was created by Simon Jefford
Thursday Jul 15
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Reorganize app tests was updated by Simon Jefford
Wednesday May 19
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Make ActiveModel::Errors#add_on_blank and #add_on_empty accept an options hash and make various Validators pass their options was updated by Simon Jefford 03:28 PM ticket
Reorganize app tests was updated by Simon Jefford 03:19 PM ticket
Make 's' reserved word in 'rails ...' command was updated by Simon Jefford
Sunday May 16